
Saturday, 18 August 2012

Video: Homemade tight Brief.

I came across to one video from youtube, handmade tight brief. It's cool but sure you gonna need some sewing skill to make it.  If only I know how to use the sewing maching, I think I want to design my own underwear line and make a bussiness out of it ..LOL!

Thanks to Sadio - owner of video, Salute you dude!

What do you think about this video? cool? til then Adios~

Video : How to fold your boxer short !

No, when you get older, you can't rely on somebody else to do clothes folding for you.  Maybe if you are lucky, you still have your wife or girlfriend to do it, or maybe too rich to send it to the laundry and pay somebody to fold your underwear.  I still remember I got this rich friend who send his whole laundry and even his underwear to get a laundry services. He paid $1 for each pair of underwear! Serious.

Well for some of us who knew or not even done it before, I am sharing you this Man's Survival Guide Video.  Not so surprise, I did not fold my underwear the way this video shows, but I think this is a good way of doing it.  It could keep your wardrobe tidy.  As for this, i think the moderator should make it look simpler! Anyway still the end result seems better than my folding.

Folding Boxer Shorts a Man's Survival Guide

are you folding your underwear better than him? share it...adios ~!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

The Russian Underwear History

This link tells a little bit history about russian underwear revolutions for woman. But I saw this photo below, caption "something for the male: swim gear, every day wear, the Soviet boxer".

Well I guess there's not much different from todays underwear...what do you think?

Till then Adios!!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mens Underwear for amusement!

Sometimes when a designer became simply creative , he comes out with a great idea of underwear. Check out if you like these:.

Many people loves this character with his signiture laugh, but anyone loves Sponge Bob boxer brief? Buy this underwear here!

Another favorites, Patick the starfish. I find that patrick is very anoying but funny. it's cute in the underwear too. Buy Patrick boxer short here!
You know when to smile? but it here.

something different from polka dots, It's time to be romantic!!! Photo credit here.

This is cool. BARTMAN: buy it here

Where is the nose? better don't tell lie.  Photo credit here.

Now you may put you money in your underwear!

I am sure you don't need this one! Normally, it will shrink a little after washing and drying but you won't fit into this unless you are Goliath!
Photo credit here!

Till then...Adios

Monday, 13 August 2012

Video: Make your own Boxer Shorts !

Wanna challenge yourself, who knows you gonna like more the underwear you use to have...If you are tired of buying your boxer short, try this one and be creative, check out this video.

Create Personalized Boxer Shorts

She is sure had made it so simple...gonna try soon...Adios~

Underwear Site!