
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Male Celebrity in Underwear

They are famous, they are rich and they have the guts to bare it with only their underwear, and they make money out of it. These are the few guys that really lucky to live their life. What's more important is they really look good in that pair of underwear.

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David Beckham with the new H&M ads, always give the best definition of man in underwear.

Link here

Cristiano Ronaldo with Armani underwear, I actually feels that he really did a good job in defining sexy modern man in a sexy underwear.

Link here

Going old school, Mark Walhberg in Calvin Klein.Looks very youthful yet vintage and still the best model for Calvin Klein so far.

These superstar really bring their own persona in the underwear that their wear for ads.  I think they are actually the right person at the right time to represent the brand.  Thanks for reading...adios!!

Disclaimer: I do not own the photo above, it's only for sharing purposes.

Underwear Site!